
Navigation keyboard shortcuts for powerpoint
Navigation keyboard shortcuts for powerpoint

navigation keyboard shortcuts for powerpoint

PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts for shapes and objects Shift + TAB: go to the previous hyperlink on the slide.TAB: go to the next hyperlink on the slide.Ctrl + U: Hide the pointer and button in 15 seconds.Ctrl + A: Show hidden pointer or switch to arrow pointer.Ctrl + P: Show hidden pointer or switch to pen pointer.+: stop or restart automatic presentation.Space: Play previous animation or go back to the previous slide.Enter: next animation or advance to the next slide.Shift + F5: Start presentation from current slide.F5: start presentation from the beginning.Keyboard shortcuts to control the presentation Ctrl + course down: move a paragraph down.Enter: select text in the selected object.Ctrl + Tab: insert tab stop in a table cell.Ctrl + Space: remove character formatting.Ctrl + Shift + +: Apply superscript format.Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Shift + cursor down: move selected paragraphs down.Alt + Shift + cursor up: move selected paragraphs up.Ctrl + R: align paragraph to the right.Ctrl + L: align the paragraph to the left.Shift + F3: switch between upper and lower case.

navigation keyboard shortcuts for powerpoint

  • Ctrl + right cursor: move cursor one word to the right.
  • Ctrl + left cursor: move the cursor one word to the left.
  • Shift + F6: switch to the previous panel.
  • Shift + F4: repeat the last search action.
  • navigation keyboard shortcuts for powerpoint

  • Ctrl + D: duplicate the selected slide.
  • Therefore they can be useful in the entire Microsoft suite. In fact some of these key combinations that we will show you, are also valid for other programs of the Office itself. However, you can keep the most used in each case, they will save you a good amount of time. That is why it is necessary that you memorize them all. These options to which we refer here are many and of the most varied.
  • PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts for shapes and objects Basic PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts.
  • Keyboard shortcuts to control the presentation.
  • To change subtitles settings either right-click on your slide show for Subtitles or find these options under the Slide Show Ribbon in PowerPoint. Or even better, press + H to hide the pointer or pen to avoid displaying a distracting or moving mouse pointer.
  • To switch from the Pen (or highlighter or laser) mode back to the Arrow, press + A or + U.
  • To call attention to slide content with a laser: + L.
  • Or, right-click on a slide and left-click on Pointer Options where you’ll see options for the Eraser or to Erase All Ink on Slide.
  • Erase all annotations: press E to erase at any time.
  • To clear annotations, press + E to bring up the eraser to remove individual pen or highlighter annotations.
  • From this menu, you can change ink color. To change the pen color or to enable other tools (Laser Pointer, Highlighter) to emphasize your slide content, right-click on a slide and left-click on Pointer Options. Use your mouse to draw directly on the slide.
  • To draw on the screen (annotations), press + P to enable the Pen mode.
  • navigation keyboard shortcuts for powerpoint

    (Use carefully as the bright screen can be distracting to an audience). Display a white screen or go back to slide show: W or.Display a black screen or go back to slide show: B or.To show a visual display of slides: press G.What if you don’t know the slide number? Display the PowerPoint slide selector with + S.If this isn’t available, simply manually add slide numbers to your printout or create a simple hand-written cheat sheet. Current versions of PowerPoint display the slide numbers on handouts. To create a list of slide numbers, print out your presentation as a handout I choose 9 slides per page. This is one of my favorite tips to quickly skip past slides or to return to a previous slide. Go to a specific slide number during a slide show: type slide number and press.Go to the last slide in a presentation:.Go to the first slide in a presentation:.Return to the previous slide (any of these):, , P (for Previous),,.Advance to the next slide (any of these):, , N (for Next),, (or click the left mouse).Help during slide show (displays PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts):.Run a slide show from the current slide: +.

    Navigation keyboard shortcuts for powerpoint