PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts for shapes and objects Shift + TAB: go to the previous hyperlink on the slide.TAB: go to the next hyperlink on the slide.Ctrl + U: Hide the pointer and button in 15 seconds.Ctrl + A: Show hidden pointer or switch to arrow pointer.Ctrl + P: Show hidden pointer or switch to pen pointer.+: stop or restart automatic presentation.Space: Play previous animation or go back to the previous slide.Enter: next animation or advance to the next slide.Shift + F5: Start presentation from current slide.F5: start presentation from the beginning.Keyboard shortcuts to control the presentation Ctrl + course down: move a paragraph down.Enter: select text in the selected object.Ctrl + Tab: insert tab stop in a table cell.Ctrl + Space: remove character formatting.Ctrl + Shift + +: Apply superscript format.Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Shift + cursor down: move selected paragraphs down.Alt + Shift + cursor up: move selected paragraphs up.Ctrl + R: align paragraph to the right.Ctrl + L: align the paragraph to the left.Shift + F3: switch between upper and lower case.

(Use carefully as the bright screen can be distracting to an audience). Display a white screen or go back to slide show: W or.Display a black screen or go back to slide show: B or.To show a visual display of slides: press G.What if you don’t know the slide number? Display the PowerPoint slide selector with + S.If this isn’t available, simply manually add slide numbers to your printout or create a simple hand-written cheat sheet. Current versions of PowerPoint display the slide numbers on handouts. To create a list of slide numbers, print out your presentation as a handout I choose 9 slides per page. This is one of my favorite tips to quickly skip past slides or to return to a previous slide. Go to a specific slide number during a slide show: type slide number and press.Go to the last slide in a presentation:.Go to the first slide in a presentation:.Return to the previous slide (any of these):, , P (for Previous),,.Advance to the next slide (any of these):, , N (for Next),, (or click the left mouse).Help during slide show (displays PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts):.Run a slide show from the current slide: +.